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by Michael Pohoski

Freddy-I cannot picture you but suffice it to say that I ran around with Dick Moates-in fact if it were not for him (actually his parents) I most likely would not be living in San Diego. I have been trying for many years to locate Dick Moates but have not been successful to date. I have located George Loukaitis, Andy Vayanos, Maurice Eskinazi, Tousson Rushdi, Saad Mohaffel, Rauf Mishriki and am in touch with all of them. Do any of these names ring a bell to you?

Yes I got one caning from Beard-I must say it was rather sadistic to have you pull your pants down and touch the bottom of the chair you were kneeling on. Once was enough though.
Respectfully, Michael Pohoski

posted on Friday, March 01, 2002
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