English School Cairo - Old Boys Old Girls

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Junior School 1954-1956?
by Wendy James

Hi there. I think I was a year or so younger and
can''t remember what class I was in. I was also the
daughter of a diplomat, we lived in Gazera. My
great regret is that my parent''s didn''t let me
learn Arabic when I was there - I loved the then
Egypt and its chaotic traffic, the musqui and the
silk brocades and the smells of the spices and
delightful mayhem. The only ex-ESC I''ve met from
those days is Ralph Saltiel who was last living
somewhere in Paris. Good memories of ESC & having
to duck in the school bus in case my blonde hair
was spotted when Suez was brewing!

posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2016
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