English School Cairo - Old Boys Old Girls

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by Sameh Radwan

Hereunder is excerpt of email I sent to Dick Moats relative to this subject :-
Hello everybody. Some news of our school. Ms.Mona Salah who is in charge of Public Relations and is Headmistress of The Preparatory School (she is an extremely efficient person and knows exactly what she is doing) contacted me last Thursday and I went to her office in school last Monday.She told me the following:
1: It has been decided to write the name of the German boy who died on The Memorial Stone in The Memorial Garden. I told her his name. She is thinking of contacting the German Embassy to send someone maybe with a bugle for an official ceremony.
2: A previous Egyptian Ambassador to England (who is not in England now but is in Egypt) -She told me his name but I do not remember it because I have become slightly forgetful - Anyway he was an old boy from school and is now a member of the school board of administration. If I said it or spelled it wrong excuse my English because it is not what it used to be.This man made the English Embassy in Cairo interested in the Memorial Garden and only a very few weeks ago some grandchildren and family of one of the dead boys whose name is written on the memorial stone came from England to visit the Memorial Garden.
3: The school is intending to have a fund raising reunion for all old boys and girls mayby around yhe last days of October 2004.The entrance price will be about 150 egyptian pounds and hopefully there will be donations from those who want to give.She asked me to give her the E mails of every body I know (and I did ) so the school can send the official invitations.She also asked me to contact you to ask you people to contact anybody and everybody you know.Those who intend to come should contact the school so the school knows the approximate number of people coming.
The school E mail is: webmaster @ englishschool.eg.com
You people can contact me and I can tell her and it would be nice to hear from you again.Hoping you all want to come so I can see you all again. I will write to confirm the date when it has bean decided upon.
Wishing you excellent health.
Your friend. Sameh Radwan.

posted on Saturday, May 22, 2004
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