English School Cairo - Old Boys Old Girls

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Your Search
by Bill (Willy) Penna

Dear jack,
Imagine my suprise when surfing the net, I came across the English School Cairo site, and found a section that had messages from old boys of the 30''s, with your search message for Allan Redgewell, Claud Hill and myself. I presently live in the USA on Long Island, and I have seen Allan several times over the last few years (he lives in the UK). How the hell are you Jack? The last time I saw you was in London in the early 50''s I believe. Of course I''m pretty long in the tooth now (78) and retired with my wife who I married in England in 1954. E-mail me to let me know how you are Jack, and where you are presently.

All the Best, Bill P.

posted on Thursday, July 08, 2004
See 90

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