English School Cairo - Old Boys Old Girls

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the first communication
by Ambassador Dr Mahmoud Karem Egyptian Ambassador to

Dear Editor,
I heard from several sources of this personal enterprise and effort, I wish to congratulate you on assuming this great task. Yes I am an Old Boy attending school for 13 years and finally graduating in 1967. I was a Ganges a prefect and a Head House. Perhaps I am best Known as the young Man who played the Piano( The National Anthem) in the school hall, seated, whith everyone else standing up. This did,one time, get me in trouble with the Head Master because of an unexpected encore.
At any rate, since this is my first communcation and I am not sure how it works, I shall stop at this point and await your response.

Dr. Mahmoud Karem Mahmoud

posted on Sunday, September 26, 1999
See 22

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