English School Cairo - Old Boys Old Girls

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The English School - Old Boy
by Rudolf Micallef

I left the school in Heliopolis and Egypt in

1952. Lived in London from 1952 to 1956 where I

served an appreticeship in Toolmaking with

Messrs George Wailes & Co (Engineers) of Euston

Road, London, during which I studied Mechanical

Engineering at the Northampton Polytechnic. In

1956 I migrated to Sydney, Australia. I worked

as Design Engineer until I retired in 1995.

I do have a group school photo which was taken

by a professional photographer during year 3 or 4

(not sure), but it has never been published on

this site. The most interesting thing about this

photo is that I do remember some of the student

names. If I can manage to persuade one other

old boy which appears in this school photo of

mine named Richard Hili, who presently lives in

Stafford, England, I may decide to come to the

London meeting in May 13, 2007.

posted on Thursday, January 25, 2007
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