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sydney australia reunion
by Joe Buhagiar

I have organized a reunion for all the obog who
live inSydney(australia) unfortunately I have not
been able to contact any og as I only remember
their maiden name...however if there is anyone
there who can put me in touch with obog in sydney
or anywhere in australia i would very much
appreciate it.Those attending the reunion
are:Jack Heath,Roy(not royston wh0 lives in UK)
Heath,Anthony De Celis,Rudy Micallef,Marcel
James,Joe Buhagiar,Albert Salinas,...those who
are unable to attend:Harry Standen,Anthony De
Bono,Tony Sant,Godfrey Sutton,Gerald
Hochmann,Richard Court and Neil Helpern.
If anyone knows the whereabouts of Bill Cresswell
please let me know..I have tried his phone number
shown in the Alumini section but there is no

posted on Sunday, May 13, 2007
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