English School Cairo - Old Boys Old Girls

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ESC - hello!
by Zehra Hussain

I am visiting Malta and asked my daughter to try
to look up Misou Buhagia and came across this
post from you. How great to be able to reconnect
with English School students after all these
years!! I don''t know if you remember me and my
sisters- the three pakistani girls- tahera, zeba
and zehra hussain? I''m in touch with quite a few
of the alums from my years there (50-56). Where
in australia are you based and do you know how
to get in touch with Misou? I am now living in
Pakistan but spend a lot of time in Dubai,
London and New York which is where my three
children live. Hope to hear from you.


posted on Saturday, August 30, 2008
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