English School Cairo - Old Boys Old Girls

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Where is everybody
by Sherifa El-Bakary

Today is Monday, February 16, 2009. I am an old
English Schooler, left a long, long time ago
(1960 approxim.) I used to be a member of
Atlanta House. I have looked in most of the
photos, but did not see any of my old school
friends. I am looking for Aisha Youssed, Aida
El Borini, Simon Sednaoui, Mohga Hafez, Sherifa
Ez-El-Din, Mohamed Sarag El Din, Ahmed
Khorshid, Salah Diab, Marwan Hamad, Bahaa
Dajani, Mohamed El Misiri, Mohamed Kenawi, Paul
Ghalyoungi, where is everybody? Miss Helen, Miss
Taher, Miss Zeidan, Mr. Abbas (our Biology
teacher. Where is Mohamed Gemeii. If you
happen to read my message and know the
whereabouts of any of the people, please do
repond. I had a wonderful time at school and it
has made a fine lady of me. My gratitude and

posted on Monday, February 16, 2009
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