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Cyril Conway
by Mohamed (Mado) Zaki

I received an email from Alfie Aquilina, and <br>
another from Cyril''s wife Brenda, advising me <br>
that Cyril had suffered a number of falls <br>
persuant to his hip & knee replacement surgeries. <br>
His recent fall caused some brain damage and <br>
resulted in his being hospitalised. According to <br>
the doctors Cyril''s prognosis is not very good.<br>
Cyril graduated from the ESC in 1949 and, <br>
together with Aquilina, was instrumental in <br>
organising the OBOG Reunions in the UK till <br>
Eilleen Mills & Vicky Wassef took over that task. <br>
Join me in wishing Cyril a speedy recovery by <br>
emailing Brenda Conway <br>
at brendajill@dsl.pipex.com

posted on Sunday, July 05, 2009
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