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Meg Sanderson
by Nicholas Rumin

Dear David,<br>
It is only today that I learned from the English <br>
School OBOG web page of the passing of my <br>
dearest school teacher. Meg was my first <br>
teacher, and I will always remember her not only <br>
as a good teacher but also for her kindness and <br>
humanity. At the end of the school year I was <br>
hospitalized with acute apendicitis. She came to <br>
visit me in hospital and brought me my prizes <br>
which were awarded even though I was unable to <br>
complete the year and write the exams. She also <br>
brought me materials for making Christmas <br>
decorations and encouraged me to make some to <br>
decorate the school tree in December.<br>
In my later years in senior school I began to <br>
slack off and, whenever I met her, she always <br>
had that slightly reproachful look because, of <br>
course, she expected better of me.<br>
I visited her and her sister Dor several times <br>
in the ensuing years, whenever I was in the UK. <br>
Indeed, I took both my children to visit her, <br>
and one of them subsequently visited her on her <br>
own initiative. <br>
Margaret Sanderson was such a truly human person <br>
and had such a fantastic joi de vivre, and was <br>
such a lady.<br>
We pray for the repose of the soul of dear Meg. <br>
I am sure that she went straight to Heaven.<br>
PS How is her sister Dor? Please transmit to her <br>
our belated condoleances.

posted on Saturday, December 26, 2009
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