Around 7:00 pm, everyone gathered in the hotel dining room for drinks and an informal dinner. Somewhat exhausted by travel, we retired, quite soon after dinner. The following morning, after breakfast, we piled into the tour bus and set off to acquaint ourselves with a truly magnificent city. The sheer number and scale of buildings and monuments are such that by the time we had had what seemed like no more than a peek at the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, The Capitol, The White House, we found ourselves in the cafeteria in the Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian. Those of us who were too exhausted to continue returned to the hotel for a much needed rest, before the main event scheduled for the evening, while the more energetic had lunch, and then toured the collections according to their personal interests or inclinations. The main event, held in a penthouse dining room at the Marriott, brought together fourteen OGs, twelve OBs and eleven spouses, for a total of thirty seven. A few words of welcome by our tireless and highly dedicated coordinators, Sawsan and Mado, were followed by introductions. Six OBs, and four OGs who attended the First Reunion, in Connecticut, last year, and were unable to join us this year, were remembered; and thirteen first time attendees were welcomed with much enthusiasm, on this occasion. This represents an increase in numbers, by five, considering that two of last year's OBs were visiting from the U.K. It is noteworthy that among those present were Cathy Mace, a 1935 graduate, and Ebtissam Ammar a 1970 graduate, representing a span of thirty five years. In a most congenial atmosphere, and with a magnificent view of the Potomac River, the sit down dinner was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The highlight of the evening was the surprise prepared by Mohamed Hamza. With a slide show of dozens of photographs, taken at school dances, during examinations, during classes, at sporting events, we were led down memory lane. It was quite an experience to see ourselves and each other, then and now. This
year's attendees were: ( * indicates first time attendee)
On Sunday, owing to bad weather, a planned breakfast meeting at a nearby Holiday Inn was cancelled and we gathered once again in the hotel dining room. A general discussion followed breakfast, and the question of possible locations for next year's reunion was brought up. It was felt that, after two consecutive years of reunions being held in the east, the next one should be held somewhere a little closer to those living on the western side of the continent. A number of locations were considered, and the proposal that the reunion be held in early August of the year 2000, in Banff, Alberta, Canada, a world class resort, was favoured by those present. The decision was also influenced by the fact that this would be advantageous for the exchange of U.S. Dollars, and provide the Canadian members of our Association an opportunity to host our American brothers and sisters. For the time being, however, these plans, relating to date and location, are only tentative, and subject to being finalized in the coming months. In conclusion, very best wishes for health, happiness and prosperity to you and your families in the new year, century and millenium. |
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